Teachers: Martha Dominguez and Mamata Das | Remote Learning Summer Program
SUMMER 2021 Vol. 31 | Week of 07/05 – 09/2021
Tips & Resources
WA Lottery Vaccination https://www.walottery.com/vaccination
American Academy of Pediatrics Drowning Prevention https://www.healthychildren.org/English/news/Pages/Updated-Recommendations-to-Prevent-Drowning-in-Children.aspx
CDC Swimming and Ear Infection https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/swimming/swimmers/rwi/ear-infections.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fhealthywater%2Fswimming%2Frwi%2Fillnesses%2Fswimmers-ear.html
Stay Safe this Fourth of July 1, 2021 https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/at-play/Pages/stay-safe-this-4th-of-july.aspx?_gl=1*hf668m*_ga*OTkyMzkyOTgyLjE2MjQ1NDM4OTk.*_ga_FD9D3XZVQQ*MTYyNTE2ODAzNy4xLjEuMTYyNTE2ODIxMS4w&_ga=2.141695728.337573330.1625168037-992392982.1624543899
Language / Literacy
60 minutes
Book: Chicka Chicka Boo Boom
ABC Chant | Super Simple Songs
Video: Sand Writing
Art / Writing
60 minutes
Story: Day at the Beach
Song: Make Lines and Curves https://video.link/w/oUX2c
Math / Science
Story: I See Summer
Song: Good Food by Jack Hartmann
Beach – Inspired Snack
Need: bread; toaster; fish cookie cutter; plastic knife; butter, cinnamon, sugar, apple, blueberry, and orange.
- Toast the bread spread butter and then sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.
- Cut the apple into flat thin and shape it into fish, blueberry for eyes, and oranges for fins and tail. Enjoy snacking!
Problem Solving
60 minutes
Story: Swimmy by Leo Leonni
- What would you do if you were Swimmy and trying not to be eaten?
- ¿Qué harías tú, si fueras Swimmy tratando de que no te comieran?
- What are other ways animals disguise themselves?
- ¿De qué otra manera se disfrazaron los animales?
- Why is teamwork important?
- ¿Porque es importante trabajar en equipo?
Trace a big fish on paper and fill it in with goldfish crackers.
Dibuje un pez grande en papel y rellénelo con galletas de pececitos (golfish).
Trace any other size and fill it in with assorted glass beads, or small rocks.
Dibuje un pez de cualquier medida y rellénelo con cuentitas de vidrio de colores sorteados, o piedras pequeñas.
Make a rainbow fish pattern using different color or sizes with the beads.
Haga un patrón en un pez arcoíris usando cuentitas de diferentes colores
Swimming Song by the Learning Station
Movement / Play
DYI Outdoor Games for summer
Zumba Kids | Dance Freeze
Surf and Yoga